WiZaRd'S ULtiMaTe HoMe PaGe!!!

Wizard's Ultimate Home Page

Hi Everyone, How's it going? The Wizards Software Web Site has moved! Personally, we think that Fortunecity.Com is a piece of crap, with an URL a mile long for all it's users. 10 megs of space is good, but the URL is too hard to remember, and the server is slow, and the pages take too long to load. That's why we've moved to Xoom.com. They offer free guestbooks, web page software, a chat room for your web site, a web gallery of over 250,000 web page graphics, as well as a 12-cdrom collection of web graphics, java scripts, animated graphics, and 11, yes 11 Megabytes of free space! (Not to mention a faster load time for the pages. Check out the Web Site At It's new Xoom.Com Location AT:

There have been people to visit our great web Site!

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